Efficient recovery of waste and materials.

Blades for
mill grinders

The waste recycling sector performs an essential activity that is now indispensable for the future. These companies recover products that have reached the end of their useful life and reuse their materials, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Once the components of a product have been separated and sorted, recycling plants subject materials such as glass, paper, cardboard, scrap, metal, plastic, stone, and others to a process of cleaning, grinding, and pulverization.

In mill grinders, these waste materials are reduced to small particles, which are then used to create new materials and new products. To achieve this level of pulverization, grinder blades must cut, granulate, shred, mill, and crush.

Depending on the type of mill and the material being processed, blades are manufactured in various shapes and sizes. However, in all cases, they must achieve excellent results in hardness and wear resistance tests, as they must withstand great forces and work for long periods without deforming or breaking.

For this reason, mill grinder blades are typically made from stainless steel, hardened steel alloys, or other reinforced materials. Regarding design, blades may have sharp teeth shaped like a wave or saw for chopping into pieces, or a smoothe or coarse-toothed edge if finer particle sizes are desired.

Whatever your need may be, at Cuchillas CIBA, we can supply grinder blades that will help you get the most out of your grinding machines.

Cuchillas trituradoras de molino

Blades for mill grindings to granulate and crush recovered materials. An activity that saves natural resources, energy, and money while reducing soil and air pollution.

Quality - 100% verified blades

Grinder and
crusher blades

Contact us and we will help you to optimize the grinding and pulverization processes in waste recycling facilities.

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Experience and exclusive service

Precise and durable grinder blades

Cuchillas y soluciones de corte


We are suppliers of industrial blades, dies, punches, and other custom-made cutting tools.

Fabricación a medida y reafilado


All of our expertise is at your disposal if you need support from our technical office, die-cutting services, or blade maintenance and sharpening services.